
Lactose intolerance – it’s in our genes

Approximately every fifth person in Europe and almost all adults in large parts of Asia are not able to digest lactose. This is referred to as lactose intolerance. Actually, lactose intolerance is not a disease, but the natural state in mammals. After weaning, the activity of the digestive enzyme lactase, which splits lactose into the


Cross-reactive anti-CCD antibodies can hinder allergy diagnostics

In persons with type I allergies, the immune system forms IgE antibodies at first contact with a usually harmless substance (allergen) from the environment, e.g. against certain proteins in pollen, animal hair or food. At every further contact, the binding between the antibodies and the allergen can cause diverse immune reactions, including swelling of mucous


EURORealTime Zika Virus: the first real time PCR test from EUROIMMUN

Since the last large Zika fever epidemic in Brazil 2015/2016, during which an association of the infectious disease with severe neurological syndromes was identified (Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults, congenital neurological damages in newborns), the demand for reliable diagnostic tests has increased extremely. With the new PCR-based direct detection, EUROIMMUN complements the existing range of serological

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