From a raw oak stem to an aesthetic piece of art

This year, an international sculpting symposium is taking place for the first time on the EUROIMMUN premises in Lübeck. Seven sculptors from different countries have been working since the 31st May to create a piece of art titled “Beauty” from a stem of oak. They have time until 10th June to finish their works. The Russian painter Ludmila Manevich will paint two works to contrast with the wooden art. The paintings will later be exposed in one of the EUROIMMUN buildings.

Anyone interested in arts is welcome at any time to have a look at the works and how they are progressing. Some photos from the first days of the symposium already give a good impression of the works’ evolution. Those who want to see the finished sculptures and paintings are invited to the finissage on 11th June from 1pm, when the works are exposed to the public.

The event is organised by Petra Witt who hopes for many interested visitors. Everyone is invited to vote on their favourite piece of art. The first three places of the competition will win cash prizes. In the evening, the artists and participants of the sculpting course will conclude the day with a dinner in the restaurant.

Alexander Lakhno stammt aus Russland und verwandelt den Eichenstamm in eine personifizierte Trave.
Alexander Lakhno is from Russia and transforms his oak trunk into a personified Trave river.


Das Werk des Tschechen Armenak Karapetjam trägt den Titel "Zirkusclowns".
The artwork of Armenak Karapetjam has the titel “Circus clowns”.


Roman Krasnitsky erschafft eine Skulptur unter dem Namen "Angara".
Roman Krasnitsky creates a sculpture with the name “Angara”.


Roman Manevic verarbeitet sein Stück Eiche zu einer Skulptur, die dem "Morgen" gewidmet ist.
Roman Manevic converts his piece of oak into a sculpture which is dedicated to the “Morning”.


Dieser Baumstamm wird am Ende von Sergii Mousat zu einer "Taucherin" verwandelt worden sein.
This trunk will be formed into a “Diving woman” by Sergii Mousat.


Tim Maertens hat seinem Werk den Titel "Hommage au Carbon" gegeben.
Tim Maertens named his artwork “Hommage au Carbon”.


Valeri Moskov formt aus dem rohen Holz eine sinnliche "Dame".
Valeri Moskov creates a sensual “Lady” out of the raw wood.


Ludmila Manevich erschafft zum Thema "Schönheit" zwei Gemälde mit den Titeln „Divertimento“ und „Csalome“.
Ludmila Manevich draws two paintings with the names „Divertimento“ und „Csalome“.

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