Products, Science

Union Clinical Laboratory on the implementation of EUROPattern & Sprinter XL

Guest contribution of the Union Clinical Laboratory, Taiwan: The Union Clinical Laboratory (UCL) was established in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1973 with a total 100 employees. We perform diverse laboratory tests in the field of haematology, biochemistry, immunology and microbiology and provide clinical diagnostic services to hospitals, the general public and biomedical research institutes and participate in


New ELISA for diagnostics of Aspergillus infections

Aspergillus spp. are ubiquitous moulds which are found in the soil, compost, or on humid walls. They form single-celled spores that spread through the air and of which every person inhales hundreds every day. Their concentration is especially increased in the summer. In people with an intact immune system, inhalation of the spores has usually


Case numbers of dengue fever increased in 2019

In spring 2019, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) called upon countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to prepare for possible outbreaks of dengue fever. Since the 1980ies, there were dengue virus epidemics in this region, at intervals of some years. The last one occurred in 2013, with over two million disease cases. This

Discover EUROIMMUN and the Importance of Laboratory Diagnostics
Company, Employees

What people at EUROIMMUN work for every day

Whether a general health check, a preventive exam, or a test performed due to concrete complaints, many of us know these consultations at the doctor when a blood or tissue sample is collected for analysis and sent to a diagnostic laboratory. Some days, or even only hours later, the results are available and the physician

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