
Discover EUROIMMUN as an employer!

Maybe this is exactly what you’ve been looking for? New job, new opportunities. But what to expect at the new job? What matters most in a company often only becomes visible in the daily work routine. EUROIMMUN is characterised by an especially friendly work atmosphere based on mutual giving and taking. Who could possibly describe […]

Synaptischer Spalt

Neuroimmunology – developments in research and diagnostics

In the late 1980s, scientists discovered for the first time autoantibodies that are associated with neurological diseases, first and foremost anti-Hu, anti-Ri and anti-Yo. Since then, test systems for these antibodies have become established in diagnostics and have enabled many life-saving medical findings. Neuroimmunology has now advanced further: 52 different neural autoantibodies have found their


Our House of Engineers in figures

The construction works for the House of Engineers in Dassow started with the ground-breaking ceremony on 2nd July 2015. EUROIMMUN‘s company site was extended by a 4,000 m² building with a height of 16 m, 3.5 floors and a basement – the first one in the industrial area “Holmer Berg”. Moreover, 180 additional parking spaces

Multiparameter-Immunblot, der auf definierten Partial-Allergenen basiert

First multiparameter test for differential diagnostics of pollen allergies in Southern Europe

Diagnosing pollen allergies in the Mediterranean is characterised by many special challenges. The pollen release times of the endemic plants are often parallel and may stretch over the whole year, which makes it difficult to determine the relevant allergens. Moreover, many people are sensitised to several pollen allergens. Together with leading allergy experts from the

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