Der EUROIMMUN Anti-Mayaro-Viren-ELISA

New pathogens on the rise – first commercial antibody detection test for Mayaro virus diagnostics now available

Over the past years, a global spread of a multitude of new viruses and other pathogens has been observed, leading to previously unknown diseases. Lately, there was an increase in epidemics of vector-borne infectious diseases, especially in tropical regions. Alongside dengue and chikungunya fever, Zika fever, which spread in large parts of the South American


Apprentice day: APPRENTICESHIP AT EUROIMMUN is capital(ised)!

EUROIMMUN has been successfully training young talents since 1995. Whether in the laboratory, the warehouse, the restaurant, IT or technical departments, or in administration  ̶  at EUROIMMUN, everyone can find an assignment which they enjoy! The new apprentices start their vocational training in August and September. For a smooth start, they are invited together with

EUROIMMUN-Entwickler belegten beim HanseHack Lübeck den zweiten Platz

HanseHack Lübeck: EUROIMMUN developers rank 2nd

The event HanseHack Lübeck took place on the 6th and 7th September 2018 and was all about “connecting Lübeck”. The basis for “Smart City” concepts to be developed was a city-wide LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) net provided by the company TraveKom. This net allows reception of sensor data over large distances and collection

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