
Novel ELISA for combined detection of anti-Zika virus IgA and IgM antibodies

Previous year, EUROIMMUN launched the Anti-Zika Virus ELISA IgA. It had turned out that specific anti-Zika virus IgA antibodies against the non-structural protein 1 (NS1) could serve as alternative indicators of acute infection phase if specific IgM antibodies were not detectable. Particularly when patients, who already have had a first contact with a flavivirus (infection […]


Recording of the webinar on measles and mumps

Measles and mumps, two forgotten diseases, reveal an unfortunate comeback. In a free webinar on February 15th, Oliver Sendscheid, PhD, Scientific Director at EUROIMMUN US, and Rolando Pajon, PhD, Lead Scientist for Vaccine and Novel Immunotherapeutic Laboratory Solutions at COVANCE CLS addressed the current epidemiologic status of measles and mumps, challenges and solutions in serological testing,


Ara h7: A novel major peanut allergen

When antibodies of class IgE against the peanut proteins Ara h2 and Ara h6 are detected in a patient sample, this finding points with high probability to a clinical peanut allergy. After eating a peanut, the binding between IgE antibodies and their target proteins leads to the activation of mast cells. The activated immune cells


Webinar on measles and mumps: two forgotten diseases of recurring relevance

Measles and mumps, two forgotten diseases, reveal an unfortunate comeback. In a free webinar, Oliver Sendscheid, PhD, Scientific Director at EUROIMMUN US, and Rolando Pajon, PhD, Lead Scientist for Vaccine and Novel Immunotherapeutic Laboratory Solutions at COVANCE CLS address the current epidemiologic status of measles and mumps, challenges and solutions in serological testing, perspectives in vaccine


Lactose intolerance – it’s in our genes

Approximately every fifth person in Europe and almost all adults in large parts of Asia are not able to digest lactose. This is referred to as lactose intolerance. Actually, lactose intolerance is not a disease, but the natural state in mammals. After weaning, the activity of the digestive enzyme lactase, which splits lactose into the

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