Employees, People

Interview with Dr Wolfgang Schlumberger: “Our solutions are as individual as our customers”

When Dr Wolfgang Schlumberger, Vice Chairman of the Executive Board at EUROIMMUN AG visited the largest meeting for laboratory medicine in Poland, the colleagues from the EUROIMMUN subsidiary in Poland used the opportunity to ask him some questions about the in-vitro diagnostics market, about EUROIMMUN and about his beginnings in the company. “Our solutions are […]


EUROIMMUN’s exhibitions and congress participation in September

In September, EUROIMMMUN will again be present at several national and international congresses and exhibitions with exciting scientific reports and own booths. You can meet us in Stuttgart on the 45th Congress of the German Society for Rheumatology from September 6th to 9th. The congress shall provide the opportunity for exchange between rheumatology and adjacent


EURORealTime Zika Virus: the first real time PCR test from EUROIMMUN

Since the last large Zika fever epidemic in Brazil 2015/2016, during which an association of the infectious disease with severe neurological syndromes was identified (Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults, congenital neurological damages in newborns), the demand for reliable diagnostic tests has increased extremely. With the new PCR-based direct detection, EUROIMMUN complements the existing range of serological

Events, Science

Webinar: Autoimmune encephalitis – Anti-NMDAR and beyond

On July 26th, EUROIMMUN US organizes a webinar on autoimmune encephalitis. The presenter will be Maarten Titulaer, PhD, professor for neurology at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. Previously, he worked with Prof. Josep Dalmau, who first described the anti-NMDAR encephalitis, at the universities of Pennsylvania and Barcelona, investigating anti-NMDAR and anti-LGI1 antibodies. Registration for the webinar

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