
EUVAS study confirms efficiency of automated multiparametric immunofluorescene for detection of vasculitis-associated ANCA

Scientist of the European Vasculitis Study (EUVAS) group published the results of a recent study (Csernok et al., Autoimmunity Reviews 2016) testing the performance of two fully automated platforms for multiparametric ANCA IIFT diagnostics which combine cell substrates and monospecific antigen substrates: the EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic (EUROPattern, Euroimmun AG) and CytoBead ANCA (Aklides, Medipan/Generic Assays

Employees, People

“That was like winning the lottery!”

Norma L. is a biology laboratory technician at the company site in Herrnhut-Rennersdorf (Saxony). She tells us what her attachment to home has to do with her job at EUROIMMUN. Please tell us about yourself and how you came to EUROIMMUN! My name is Norma and I have been working at EUROIMMUN since 2001. Just

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