Employees, People

“That was like winning the lottery!”

Norma L. is a biology laboratory technician at the company site in Herrnhut-Rennersdorf (Saxony). She tells us what her attachment to home has to do with her job at EUROIMMUN. Please tell us about yourself and how you came to EUROIMMUN! My name is Norma and I have been working at EUROIMMUN since 2001. Just […]


Study from the University of Freiburg confirms high specificity of the Anti-ZIKV ELISA

Earlier this year, EUROIMMUN announced the availability of the first serological test systems for diagnostics of Zika virus infections. The infectious disease had rapidly spread in Latin America, especially in Brazil, during the past year. Suspicion regarding a link between the virus infections and the increased rate of malformations of newborns’ heads (microcephaly) precipitated concerns


Stress gets us going, but too much causes illness

The alarm didn’t go off, in the rush of the morning, the little one spilled the milk and needs changing, the car won’t start and the important meeting starts within 10 minutes! STRESS! Stress causes unconscious physical reactions in humans: Glucose is provided as prompt energy source, blood pressure rises to assure sufficient blood supply

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