
Two novel ways of TBE virus transmission discovered

A few days ago, Prof Dr Ute Mackenstedt from the University of Hohenheim, an expert in the research of ticks, together with Dr Gerhard Dobler from the reference laboratory for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Dr Rainer Oehme from the Baden-Württemberg Health Authority, reported on two novel ways by which TBE viruses can be transmitted to


Whooping cough afflicts Germany more than ever

In 2016, the number of whooping cough cases has reached a worrying record in Germany – 22,000 lab confirmed cases were reported to the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI). In the previous year there were 14,000 cases and more than 1,500 patients have already been registered in 2017 (as of February 9th, 2017). Whooping cough is caused by


Syphilis: A neglected problem

The ongoing Zika virus epidemic has been and is still today an important topic in the Americas. There is, however, another serious health issue for pregnant women and their unborn babies which is far less frequently addressed: syphilis. According to current data, there were 33,000 infected pregnant women in Brazil in 2015, twenty times as

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